Saturday, December 29, 2012

How to Build a List Using LinkedIn

The number of professionals who are using LinkedIn is growing by the minute. This portal is great for any business owner who wants to build new relationships, promote their business, and most importantly, meet new contacts. It's definitely a great addition to the marketing strategies that you're currently using as right now, it has over 25 millions users from across the globe.
Just like other portals and social networking sites, joining LinkedIn is relatively easy but for it to make it work to your advantage, you need to put in enough time, exert more effort, and apply strategies that are being used by successful people.
In this article, I wish to help you use this portal to build and boost your email marketing list. Here's what you need to do:
1. First step is to create attention-grabbing profile. Before you even think about connecting with other people, focus on creating a compelling profile first that will help you attract the right audience. Although you're free to just copy and paste your old resume, I would recommend that you take the time and be creative to get amazing results. It's important that your profile page reflect your ambitions, passions, and professional interest. You would want to include information that your potential clients can relate to. Start by introducing yourself. In LinkedIn, you'll be asked for a short headline underneath your name. This is something that should help you tell people who you really are. It's just 4-5 words so be creative. If you're considered an authority in internet marketing for example, a simple "Internet Marketing Expert" would do it.
Next step is to indicate the great things that you have done. If you were able to help hundreds and thousands of people earn money online for example, make sure to mention that. Mention all the things that your prospects would find interesting and would help you convince them to sign up to your email marketing list.
2. Next step is to connect with your potential clients. Right after creating your profile, you can go ahead and search for those people who might be interested with the products and services that you sell. These are the ones that you want to target to ensure that your list will be of high quality. Remember, each time you connect with an individual, you'll be able to access the network of that individual and you'll get the chance to invite more people. This can definitely help you boost your list in no time.
3. Be active. While signed in, you'll be given access to open questions that were asked by people in your extended network. Take the time to provide the right answers. Your goal here is to ensure people will pay attention and to establish your expertise in your niche. If you can convince them that you're an authority in your field, they will most likely to sign up to your list in no time especially if you promise them that by doing so, you'll send them free informative newsletters every week

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