Thursday, December 27, 2012

Why Use LinkedIn?

Any self-employed person knows that to make money they need to have clients. If you are self-employed as a consultant, or professional of some type, and you sell services, you do what you can to get clients. The process is not easy. You may go out and do things the conventional way.
There are many ways to get clients. You can really spend a lot of your time in finding clients, and you may or may not end up getting the results you want. But there is one sure way to do so and that is to take advantage of a medium that is so popular that it is taking the Internet world by storm. This social site is not Facebook or Twitter, although they are among the most popular. The site where fellow entrepreneurs and top executives meet at is LinkedIn.
When I tell people this, they act surprised. Most people do not realize this, but LinkedIn is not just a social site for people to make friends. It is a professional media site that caters to professionals, entrepreneurs, self-employed, those in high positions, and those who are gainfully employed. LinkedIn is a place where the top brass go to find people to fill positions. They go there to do recruiting.
Think about it. The goal of company, is to get clients. This is how they will make money. For this reason it is really imperative that they get on LinkedIn and make connections. But they don’t want to make just any connections. These connections have to be the right ones. Once you know the process, you can take off from there and develop your own client base.
If you are new to LinkedIn, it would be good for you to know the main purpose for using LinkedIn. This purpose is to find people and connect with them. If you do this, you will find people who may know the main boss of the company.
Keep in mind that finding a job or client starts by knowing people and getting involved with them. This means connecting to them. Once you know how to do this, the next step is to get involved by doing it. LinkedIn is a very strict system, but also a very popular one with professionals. If you set up your profile correctly, you will have people connecting to you in no time. 


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